The unique characteristics of the Patagonian region combine with infrastructure, technology, and smart resource management to make our wines a true expression of our terroir.

The winery has 61 hectares under cultivation and a 300,000 liter cellar. In keeping with our philosophy of prioritizing quality, we make a precise selection of our best plots.
The frequent and intense winds, coupled with low annual rainfall and humidity, are conditions favorable to the good health of the vineyards. The strong winds force the grapes to protect themselves by developing a thick skin, which leads to wine with a high color concentration and robust structure.
The desert climate and wide temperature range favor a slow, controlled maturation process and result in well-balanced wines with a perfect ratio of sweetness to acidity. These are elegant wines. The Patagonian region has cold winters, hot, dry summers and excellent sunlight; all outstanding conditions for the growth of our vines.
The soils in San Patricio del Chañar are sandy and gravely. Thanks to our drip irrigation systems, the vines are fed with pure, clear water from the Andes mountain snowmelt.

Commercial Office:
Av Callao 938 PB, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Picada 4,5, San Patricio del Chañar, Neuquén,
Patagonia Argentina